Arundell - Ashley - Audley of Walden -
Bacon - Barrington - Baskerville - Bassett - Baynham - Beaufort - Berkeley of Berkeley - Berkeley of Stoke Gifford - Bertie - Bettenham - Bigod - Blount of Astley - Blount of Elvaston - Blount of Kinlet - Blount of Mountjoy - Blount of Sodington - Bohun - Boleyn - Borough - Bourchier - Bourchier of Bath - Brandon - Bray - Brome - Bromley - Brooke of Cobham - Brooke of London - Browne of Beechworth - Browne of Montague - Bryan - Brydges - Burgh - Butler of Badmington - Butler of Bewsey and Warrington - Butler of Ormond - Butler of Wemm and Oversley - Butler of Woodhall
Calthorpe - Capell - Carew of Antony - Carew of Bickley - Carew of Beddington - Carew of Haccombe - Carey - Catesby - Cavendish - Cecil - Clifford of Borscombe - Clifford of Chudleigh - Clifford of Cumberland - Clinton - Constable of Flamborough - Constable of Burton - Conyers Norton - Cooke - Courtenay of Devon - Courtenay of Powderham - Courtenay of Molland - Curwen - Champernowne - Chaworth - Chichester -
Dacre - Dale - Danby - Darcy - Daubeney - De La Bere - De La Pole - Denny - Devereux - Dormer - Drake - Drury - Dudley - Dymoke -
Empson - Englefield - Eure -
Fairfax - Ferrers - Fettiplace - Fiennes - Finch - Fitzalan - Fitzgerald of Desmond - Fitzgerald of Kildare - Fitzhugh - Fitzwilliam - Foljambe - Fortescue -
Gage - Gascoine - Gorges - Greville - Grey of Boxmouth - Grey of Heton - Grey of Kent - Grey of Lisle - Grey of Powis - Grey of Wilton - Greystoke - Guildford -
Harcourt - Harrington - Hastings of Hastings - Hastings of Huntingdon - Heneage - Herbert of Cogan Pill - Herbert of Pembroke - Herbert of Powis - Herbert of St. Julian - Herbert of Swansey - Herbert of Troye - Heydon - Howard of Bindon - Howard of Norfolk - Howard of Nottingham - Hungerford - Hussey
Ingleby -
Lee - Leke - Lennard - Lovell - Lumley - Luttrell -
Manners - Marbury - Markham - Marney - Milbourne - Mildmay - Molyneux - Monington - Montague - Mordaunt - Morgan -
Neville of Abergavenny - Neville of Billingbere - Neville of Debenham - Neville of Faldingworth - Neville of Fifield - Neville of Holt - Neville of Hornby - Neville of Horncastle - Neville of Latimer - Neville of Liversedge - Neville of Raby - Neville of Rolleston - Neville of Scotton - Neville of Thornton - Neville of Westmoreland - Neville of Wimeswold - Newdigate - Norreys - North -
Paget - Palmer - Parker - Parr of Horton - Parr of Kendall - Parr of Parr - Paston - Paulet of Hinton - Paulet of Winchester - Pelham - Percy - Perrot - Petre - Plantagenet - Pole - Poynings - Poyntz - Purefoy
Radcliffe of Ordsall - Radcliffe of Derwentwater - Radcliffe of Dilston - Radcliffe of Sussex - Raleigh - Rich - Rogers - Russell -
Sackville - Sandys - Saunders - Savage - Scrope - Scudamore - Seymour - Sheffield - Shelton - Sidney - Smythe - Somerset - Southwell - Spencer - Stafford - Stanhope - Stanley of Ashford - Stanley of Aughton - Stanley of Bromwich - Stanley of Derby - Stanley of Hooton - Stanley of Bicckerstaffe - Stanley of Croshall - Stanley of Mounteagle - Stapleton - St. John - St. Leger - Stourton - Strange - Strangeways - Strickland - Stuart of Lennox - Sulyard - Sutton -
Talbot - Talboys - Throckmorton - Touchet - Tresham - Troutbeck - Tudor - Tyrwhitt -
Vaux - Vavasour - Vere of Addington - Vere of Oxford - Verney - Vernon -
Waldegrave - Walsingham - Welles - Wentworth - West - Weston - Wharton - Williams - Windsor- Wingfield - Woodville - Willoughby of Broke - Willoughby of Eresby - Willoughby of Parham - Wriothesley - Wyatt -